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simppru-console is a console app, it can be used to send/receive message to the PRU using RPMSG, and also start/stop the PRU. It is built to facilitate easier way to use rpmsg and remoteproc API's to control and communicate with the PRU


Make sure to stop PRU before exiting. Press ctrl+c to exit


Use arrow keys to navigate around the textbox and buttons.

Start/stop buttons

Use these button to start/stop the selected PRU. If PRU is already running, on starting simppru-console, it is automatically stopped.

Status for PRU

It shows the status of PRU (if its on or off). It is an auto-toggle button which changes its status with respect to the PRU.


Do not click this button as it is in sync with the PRU and would exit on manual click.

Send message to PRU

Use this text box to send data to the PRU, only Integers are supported. On pressing enter, the typed message is sent.

PRU0 is running echo program, whatever is sent is echoed back.

Receive message from PRU

The large box in the screen shows data received from the PRU, It runs using a for loop, which checks if new message is arrived every 10 ms.

  • PRU is running echo program, whatever is sent is echoed back.

  • PRU is running countup program, it sends a increasing count every 1 second, which starts from 0

Change PRU id

Using the radio box in the upper right corner, one can change the PRU id, i.e. if one wants to use the features for PRU0 or PRU1